Muat Turun Soalan Lazim DBKK eServices : Versi BM Versi BI


Apakah DBKK eServices?
What is DBKK eServices?


DBKK eServices adalah portal perkhidmatan dalam talian untuk pelanggan DBKK. Ini adalah kemudahan bagi pelanggan DBKK untuk melakukan transaksi berikut secara dalam talian:

  1. Semak dan bayar Bil Cukai Kadaran DBKK.
  2. Semak dan memperbaharui Lesen DBKK.
  3. Semak dan bayar Kompaun DBKK.

DBKK eServices is an online service portal for DBKK customers. It is a facility for DBKK customers to do the following transactions online:

  1. View and pay DBKK Assessment Bill.
  2. View and renew DBKK License.
  3. View and pay DBKK Compound.



Siapakah yang boleh menggunakan perkhidmatan eServices?
Who can use DBKK eServices?


Perkhidmatan ini terbuka kepada SEMUA pelanggan DBKK seperti berikut;


DBKK eServices is available for ALL DBKK Customers:

  1. Property Owners / Ratepayers (DBKK Assessment).
  2. Business Owners (DBKK Licence).
  3. General Public (DBKK Compound).



Perlukah saya mendaftar untuk menggunakan DBKK eServices?
Do I have to register for login account before using DBKK eServices?

  1. YA, sekiranya anda mahu melihat sejarah transaksi yang telah dibuat
  2. YA, sekiranya anda mahu melihat bil cukai pintu dan membuat pembayaran cukai pintu
  3. YA, sekiranya anda mahu menyemak lesen dan memperbaharui lesen
  4. TIDAK, sekiranya anda hanya mahu membuat pembayaran ke atas kompaun

  1. YES, if you wish to track your payment history.
  2. YES, if you wish to view and make payment to your property assessment bill.
  3. YES, if you wish to check the validity and renew your DBKK License.
  4. NO, if you only want to pay DBKK Compound.



Bagaimana saya mengakses DBKK eServices untuk mendaftar?
do I register for DBKK eServices login account?


Anda boleh mengakses DBKK eServices melalui cara berikut:

  2. Melalui DBKK eServices PORTAL >

You can register DBKK eServices login account at the following:

  1. From DBKK Website >> (select menu Perkhidmatan > Service Online > e-Services).
  2. From DBKK eServices Portal >> .



Apakah kaedah pembayaran yang disediakan dalam eServices?
online payments are accepted in DBKK eServices?

  1. Kaedah pembayaran secara Pindahan Bank (FPX) ( FPX Individu atau FPX Koporat (max RM 30,000.00).
  2. Kad Kredit
  3. Kad Debit.
  1. Bank Transfer via FPX up to RM30,000 (FPX Personal or FPX Business).
  2. Credit Card (Mastercard and Visa).
  3. Debit Card.



Adakah saya dikenakan caj tambahan menggunakan eServices?
Are there any charges for using DBKK eServices?






Bolehkah saya membuat pembayaran tanpa mendaftar dalam eServices?
Can I make payment without registering a DBKK eServices login account?


YA, pendaftaran hanya wajib bagi pembayaran cukai pintu dan pembaharuan lesen.

YES, registration is only required for payments relating to house assessment or licence renewal.



Apakah yang saya perlu lakukan jika saya tidak menerima email activation?
I have not received account activation email after Registration. What should I do?


Sila klik pada Link “RESEND ACTIVATION” di laman login portal DBKK eServices. Alamat e-mel yang didaftar mestilah betul dan sah.

Click the “Resend Activation” link located at the DBKK eServices login page. The registered email must be correct and valid.



Bagaimana saya mendapatkan semula login/kataluan saya?
I forgot my password, what should I do?


Sila klik link FORGOT PASSWORD di laman login Portal DBKK eServices.

At the DBKK eServices login page, click on the “Forgot Password?” link. This will prompt you to enter your registered email address and IC Number. An email containing a link to reset your password will be sent to you.



Berapa lamakah saya perlu tunggu untuk emel reset kata laluan?
How long do I have to wait for my reset password email?


Serta merta sekiranya tiada gangguan talian internet.

Password reset email is sent instantly (depending on current internet connectivity).



Bolehkah saya membuat pembayaran melalui eServices bagi pihak orang lain?
Can I make payments on behalf of others using DBKK eServices?

  1. YA, untuk kompaun pembayaran adalah terbuka
  2. YA, untuk cukai pintu anda perlu linkNo akaun DBKK pemilik ke dalam akaun anda
  3. TIDAK, untuk lesen anda hanya boleh membayar lesen atas nama dan Kad Pengenalan yang anda daftarkan sahaja.
  1. YES, for DBKK Compound.
  2. YES, for House Assessment. HOWEVER you first need to link the owner’s DBKK account number in your DBKK eServices login account.
  3. NO for DBKK license. You may only view, renew and pay for license that has been registered under the IC Number of your eServices’ login account.



Bagaimana saya menukar alamat emel akaun yang telah didaftar?
How do I change my registered email address?


Setelah berjaya login ke akaun anda, sila ke menu “Profile” untuk kemaskini alamat emel anda.

After you are logged into DBKK eServices, select “Profile” from the menu to update your email.



Bagaimana saya mendapatkan bil cukai pintu?
I have registered and logged into DBKK eServices; how do I view my assessment bill?

  1. Selepas berjaya daftar ke DBKK eServices, sila ke modul PropertyRates/Assessment, dan masukkan No. Akaun , kemudian pilih dan tekan butang ADD LINK.
  2. Anda boleh melihat bil cukai di Menu Account LIST setelah proses link berjaya.

From the side navigation bar, select PropertyRates/Assessment. Enter DBKK Account Number and click the “Add link” button. After the add link process is completed, your assessment bill can be found in the Account LIST.



Bolehkah saya memohon lesen melalui eServices?
Can I apply for license using eServices?


TIDAK, namun kemudahan akan disediakan dalam masa yang terdekat.

NO. However, the facility will be available soon.



Kenapa rekod lesen saya tiada dalam senarai walaupun saya telah berjaya mendaftar?
I have registered and logged into DBKK eServices, why can’t I view my DBKK license?


Lesen anda akan wujud secara automatik sekiranya No. Pengenalan/passport yang anda daftar dalam DBKK eServices sama dalam lesen.

Your DBKK license will be linked automatically to your DBKK eServices account if the IC Number in your DBKK eServices account and DBKK License are the same.



Bolehkah saya memperbaharui lesen yang telah tamat tempoh?
My DBKK License has expired, can I renew it using DBKK eServices?


BOLEH. Lesen boleh diperbaharui melalui eservices sekiranya tempoh tamat lesen tidak melebihi 2 tahun.

YES. DBKK License can be renewed using eServices if the expiry date does not exceed 2 years.



Bolehkah saya melihat rekod transaksi yang telah dibuat melalui saluran pembayaran lain?
Can I view transaction records for payments not using DBKK eServices?


TIDAK, rekod transaksi yang dilakukan dalam akaun daftar DBKK eServis sahaja akan disimpan dalam sejarah transaksi.

NO. DBKK eServices will only store records for transactions made in DBKK eServices.



Bolehkah saya mencetak semula resit pembayaran melalui eServices?
Can I reprint DBKK eServices payment receipt?

  1. YA, sekiranya pembayaran ada dibuat melalui akaun yang berdaftar.
  2. TIDAK, sekiranya ada membuat pembayaran kompaun tanpa berdaftar. Resit akan dihantar terus kepada emel yang dimasukkan semasa transaksi pembayaran dilakukan.
  1. YES, if the payment is made from a DBKK eServices login account.
  2. NO, for compound payment made without registering to DBKK eservices login account, payment receipt will be delivered to the email address as specified by the user during payment process.



Bagaimanakah saya menyemak jika pembayaran saya berjaya?
How do I know if my payment is successful?

  1. Anda boleh semak resit pembayaran yang dihantar terus ke emel didaftarkan.
  2. Resit pembayaran akan wujud dalam menu Sejarah Transaksi selepas pembayaran berjaya. Sila laporkan kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.sekiranya rekod anda belum dikemaskini selepas tempoh melebihi 24 jam.
  1. Check for payment receipt in your specified email.
  2. Check for payment records in your DBKK eServices account’s transaction history. Please allow some time for payments to show on your account. If your payment is still not showing after 24 hours, please report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan jika transaksi pembayaran berjaya tetapi akaun saya belum dikemaskini?
Payment was completed but my account is still not updated, what should I do?


Sila laporkan kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. sekiranya rekod anda belum dikemaskini selepas tempoh melebihi 24 jam.

Please report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your account is not updated 24 hours after payment is made.



Bagaimana saya mencetak lesen yang telah diperbaharui melalui eServices?
I have renewed my license using DBKK eServices, how do I print it?


Anda boleh mencetak lesen dengan tempoh baharu daripada menu tepi LICENSE LIST selepas transaksi pembayaran berjaya dikemaskini. Sila laporkan kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. sekiranya rekod lesen anda belum dikemaskini selepas 24 jam pembayaran dibuat.

After the payment transaction has been updated in your DBKK eServices account’s transaction history, you can print the renewed license by selecting LICENSE LIST from the side navigation bar. Please report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your license is not updated 24 hours after payment is made.



Berapa lama tempoh rekod dikemaskini selepas pembayaran dibuat?
How long does it take to update records after payment is successfully completed?


Serta merta, tertakluk kepada status talian internet semasa. Sila laporkan kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. sekiranya rekod anda belum dikemaskini selepas 24 jam pembayaran dibuat.

Instantly (depending on current internet connectivity). Please report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your records are not updated 24 hours after payment is made.



Bagaimana saya laporkan untuk bantuan mengenai DBKK eServices?
Who should I contact for DBKK eServices assistance?


Anda boleh hantar emel kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.